To the Plus-Sized ‘Body Positivity’ Movement: You’re Killing Women

The Author’s Lounge
10 min readJul 22, 2022


No, I’m NOT fat shaming the plus-sized population

Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

The plus-sized movement is on a roll to promote body positivity, self-love, highly inclusive sizing, and a rage against the slim community. Inadvertently, they’re also promoting self-destruction and praising the act of slowly killing yourself.

In general, inclusivity is a good thing. When it comes to race, sexuality, gender, and religion — but preaching ‘confidence over health’ isn’t something that should be applauded.

Accepting fatal flaws that will wind up killing you in your forties is just sugar-coated complacency.

I’m not going to sit here and pretend that it’s healthy to be 100 pounds overweight.

I’m also going to make this perfectly clear — I used to be 300 pounds, maybe even a little more at one point. I know the struggle. I also know the excuses, the frustration, and the judgment from outsiders, and I’ve experienced it all firsthand. I have every right to comment on the realities that come with living as a fat person.

Also to be made clear — this is not geared towards anyone whose weight is influenced by medical conditions. This is directed towards a specific audience and group of people — mostly plus-sized influencers and promoters of self-love…



The Author’s Lounge

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